Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of Grammatical Violations in Financial Reports


  • Paulo Henrique Amaral Rody UFES
  • José Elias Feres de Almeida UFES



Violação Gramatical; Bibliometrix; Qualidade da Informação Contábil; Compreensibilidade; Bibliometria.


Objective: This study presents a systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis of grammatical violations in financial statements and their effects on the capital market. Similar to previous studies, the conceptual framework concerns the violation of grammatical norms associated with the quality of financial statements.

Method: The method included two alternative and complementary paths: i) a systematic review in which the grammatical violation proxy is presented as a valuable tool to measure the quality of accounting information by analyzing the texts of explanatory notes of financial statements, and ii) a bibliometric analysis based on the journals listed in Web of Science, and Bibliometrix, an R-Tool for mapping analysis. Results and Contributions: The in-depth literature analysis through a systematic review and a comprehensive analysis performed via bibliometrics allow this study to serve as a conceptual framework for future research. There are discussions on the potential directions of accounting research on the subject, which is strongly developed in the United States, but little explored in Brazil and other countries. Finally, the analysis suggests that the framework through which data become available to the market might restrict the application of this proxy.

Author Biography

José Elias Feres de Almeida, UFES

Doutor em Controladoria e Contabilidade pela Universidade de São Paulo (FEA/USP). Professor associado da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES). 


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How to Cite

Amaral Rody, P. H., & Feres de Almeida, J. E. (2023). Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of Grammatical Violations in Financial Reports. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC), 17(2).