Sociodemographic characteristics and differences in Machiavellianism and perceived justice among graduate students in the Business field




Classroom justice, Machiavellianism, Sociodemographic Characteristics, Graduate Education, Business education


Objective: This study aimed to compare differences in the perception of Academic Justice and Machiavellianism among graduate students in the Business field according to their sociodemographic characteristics.
Method: A survey was conducted, and 334 valid responses were collected from Brazilian graduate students. The Portuguese-translated and validated versions of the Revised Classroom Justice Scale (RCJS) and Machiavellian Personality Scale (MPS) were applied. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, analysis of reliability, and analysis to verify whether data were normally distributed, and later, Kruskal-Wallis of Independent Samples.

Results: Significant differences were found between genders regarding the perception of Academic Justice, indicating that women more frequently perceive lower levels of justice. Analysis of the region where the educational institution is located showed that students from the Northeast, North, and Midwest also perceive lower levels of justice. Regarding Machiavellian traits, younger students tend to present more prominent Machiavellian traits, while Accounting students are more suspicious of others than the remaining students in the Business field.

Contributions: This study adds to the literature on accounting education, indicating that personal and sociodemographic characteristics can be considered in the students’ individual and behavioral analyses. Additionally, it shows potential specificities in policies and actions to be implemented among different students when dealing with injustice in a graduate environment.

Author Biography

Flaviano Costa, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Professor do Departamento de Ciências Contábeis da Universidade Federal do Paraná;

Doutor em Controladoria e Contabilidade pela Universidade de São Paulo.



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How to Cite

Lucas, J. V., & Costa, F. (2023). Sociodemographic characteristics and differences in Machiavellianism and perceived justice among graduate students in the Business field. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC), 17(2).